Rachel Cassidy False Accuser

*Update: see footnote.

So this woman, Rachel Cassidy, gets some oral sex from a guy, while drunk, and a group of people catch it happening, filming it happening, take pictures, talk and joke with the guy about it. Her university finds out about the drunken public sex act, threatens to expel her, and so she claims she was raped.

Most of the news outlets are calling it a shame that people video taped it, uploaded the photos and video to various social networking media, instead of helping the poor woman.
Amazing. If you seen it and heard the conversation, you’d know this woman was not being raped. But the misandric media refuses to acknowledge there is nothing remotely rapey about what’s taking place. This woman is fully consenting, absolutely enjoying it, and her boyfriend is making jokes with the guys watching it happen. At any point in time she could have screamed help. She may have been drunk, but she was conscious.

Here is a news report and the video footage of it happening. Tell me this woman is getting raped http://www.worldstaruncut.com/uncut/63660

I just love when that woman, that OU Senior Allie Erwin, is outraged that people just stood by and did nothing instead of asking if she needed help. Yeah, like the so-called rape victim isn’t under the obligation to actually shout to a crowd of onlookers with video cameras “help I’m being raped!”
Is that really what we’ve become? A nation so female supremacist that a woman getting raped isn’t even expected to open her mouth and say she’s being raped? It’s everyone elses job to see two people having sex and just instantly assume she might be getting raped and ask if this is consensual?

You know what, you’ve heard of rape apologist, I say this woman, Allie Erwin, is a false accuser apologist.

Rachel Cassidy is a false accuser and Allie Erwin is a false accusation supporter.

Does this woman, Rachel Cassidy, look like she’s being raped?
d3fce08e73dbWow, who knew rape made you smile so blissfully.

But what really gets me is, the way certain media outlets have taken this recent event, and are totally acting like there is no doubt that this was an act of rape, and horrible people stood by and filmed it and uploaded it to the internet to bully her.

I can’t wait to see what happens when this guy doesn’t go to jail, and all the feminists claim that this is clearly rape culture. It’s a sick world we live in.

Here is the link where I found out about the story, it contains many links to news sources etc.

And I am glad that the commenters on these BS misandric news articles are straight up telling these journalists like it is, and getting lots of thumbs up. The people who have seen the photographs and the videos know this was not even close to rape. And they are pissed that the journalists are pandering to feminists with their BS. So if you go to any of the news articles found in that last link, be sure to give a thumbs up to the people calling these feminist slanted articles the misandric bull that it is, and let your voice be heard.

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*footnote: Rachel Cassidy and Jenny Hall-Jones are claiming Rachel is not the false accuser.

1. The girl in that video looks identical to Rachel Cassidy.

2. Jenny Hall-Jones (the Dean of Students at Ohio University) has claimed the false accuser is not Rachel Cassidy, and knows who the accuser is. Well then, Jenny Hall-Jones is to blame for not coming forward with the actual name. There can be no doubt what-so-ever that the woman in that video is not being raped, no doubt, none what-so-ever. Therefore Jenny Hall-Jones is protecting an obvious false accuser, and allowing the harassment of Rachel Cassidy.

3. If police have instructed/advised the school to not come forward with the name or any information, than I understand Rachel and Jenny Hall-Jones’ silence on this. Therefore, we need to reserve judgment calling Jenny Hall-Jones a false allegation supporter. However, once the case has been concluded by the police/court, Jenny Hall-Jones needs to step forward to clear Rachel Cassidy’s name, by naming the false accuser. Anything else would be an act of sheltering a false accuser.

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